NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices for July 20, 2018 (The NIH Guide TOC)

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Weekly NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices NIH Guide for Grants and ContractsJuly 20, 2018Table of Contents (TOC)Web Version Notices HHS Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Contract Solicitation (PHS 2019-1) Now Available(NOT-OD-18-209) Office of the Director, NIH Updated Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity(NOT-OD-18-210) Office of the Director, NIH NIH Implementation of the Burden-Reducing Provisions […]

Position available for Co-Director of the Physician Scientist Training Program of the Department of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis

The Department of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis has initiated a search for a Co-Director of the Oliver Langenberg Physician Scientist Training Program (PSTP). The purpose of the PSTP is to facilitate training for research-oriented careers in academic medicine, especially for graduates of MD/PhD programs. The Co-Director must have a MD degree with […]

Megan Baldridge, MD, PhD named 2018 Pew Scholar

Megan Baldridge, MD, PhD

The National Advisory Committee of The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences has recommended that Dr. Megan Baldridge be named a 2018 Pew Scholar.  The recommendations of the committee will be presented to the board of The Pew Charitable Trusts at it’s meeting in June, after which Pew will issue a national press release […]

Registration is Now Open: 2018 Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Seminar

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The Office of Faculty Affairs is again offering to assist WUSM underrepresented minority mid-career faculty members who wish to attend the AAMC Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Seminar. The OFA will reimburse the base registration fee ($1700.00) for up to two WUSM faculty members.  This support is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.  If you intend […]

Memo to Management: Performance Management Courses and Process

Performance Management Courses and Evaluation Process Performance management is a fundamental management process that helps shape how employees view and do their work at Washington University. We are now in the middle of the process for FY 2018. We continue to hear from many employees that they are not being given formal feedback from their supervisors. […]

The AAMC is Now Accepting Applications for the Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Seminar Now!

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AAMC Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership SeminarJune 14-16, 2018Washington D.C. This seminar will help you to:Assess your professional development goals and identify actionable strategies and tools for promotion and tenure. Develop key professional competencies in academic leadership. Enhance your leadership skills in the areas of communication, team building, change management and work/life balance. The AAMC is […]