Tarek Alhamad, MD, MPH, MBA
Associate Director for Faculty Development and Well Being and Associate Professor of Medicine, Nephrology Division
- Email: talhamad@wustl.edu
Tarek Alhamad, MD, MPH, MBA is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the Director of Transplant Nephrology at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Alhamad received his MD from Damascus University, Master of Science in Public Health Science at Penn State University, and his MBA at Washington University in St. Louis.
Dr. Alhamad has more than 100 publications and book chapters. He is an Editor of the Washington Manual in Nephrology and the founding Editor of the Transplant Nephrology Manual. He is the Director of the Transplant Epidemiology Research Collaboration at the Institute of Public Health.

Milan J. Anadkat, MD
Vice Chair of Faculty Development and Well Being and Professor of Medicine, Dermatology Division
- Email: manadkat@wustl.edu
Milan J. Anadkat, MD is Professor of Medicine, Division of Dermatology at Washington University School of Medicine. He has led the Office of Faculty Development since 2020 overseeing new faculty orientation, programming on career development, tracking your accomplishments on CVs and CEPs, writing letters of recommendation, the promotions process, financial literacy series, leadership and culture and climate surveys among other activities.
Dr. Anadkat has been an esteemed member of the Washington University faculty since 2007. He is currently the Director of Clinical Trials as well as Vice-Chief of Clinical Operations for the Division of Dermatology, and prior served as the Dermatology Residency Program Director. Dr. Anadkat’s scholarly interests focus on complex medical dermatology, especially chemotherapy induced skin toxicities, for which he is a nationally recognized speaker, graft-versus-host disease, and hidradenitis suppurativa.

Alison Antes, PhD
Associate Director for Faculty Development and Well Being and Associate Professor of Medicine, General Medical Sciences Division
- Email: aantes@wustl.edu
Alison Antes, PhD is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the General Medical Sciences Division and Director of Education in the Bioethics Research Center at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Antes is an industrial-organizational psychologist focusing on workplace behavior and decision-making in research and medicine. Her research examines how scientists lead and manage people and programs to foster research excellence, and ethical and societal issues associated with novel healthcare technologies.
Dr. Antes is the Director of Compass, a national program to develop early-career researchers’ leadership and management skills. She co-directs the P.I. Program, a national coaching program for researchers referred for research compliance and integrity violations.

Jennifer Mosher, MA
Project Manager, Office of Faculty Development and Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Allyship & Social Justice (IDEAS)
- Email: mosherj@wustl.edu
Jennifer is the project manager for the Office of Faculty Development and IDEAS at DOM. She has been at Washington University since 1997. Jennifer served as the program coordinator for the Young Scientist Program from 1999-2013 before joining the Office of Faculty Development. She also serves as the project manager for the Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists Program (DDFRCS) in the Clinical Research Training Center.