The Well-Being Thermometer is a way for individuals to measure their well-being by ranking key factors that contribute to their wellness and then filling in the Thermometer which provides individuals with a visual graphic of their well-being.

Please number how these factors contributed to your well-being, give a 1 to the most important and 7 to the least.
- Emotions _____
- Health _____
- Life/Work Integration _____
- Moral Well-being * _____
- Spiritual _____
- Social/Home _____
- Work _____
* Moral well-being = lack of moral distress
* Moral distress: Occurs when one feels powerless to carry out the ethically appropriate action
* Moral injury: happens when moral distress is experienced repeatedly, and the effects are long-lasting
After completing your personal self-assessment using the well-being thermometer, please visit this link to complete an anonymous 3 question survey to help our well-being council learn more about our DOM faculty and their needs and well-being. Information provided will help us as we work to provide programming and events relevant to faculty needs and interests.
If you have any questions regarding the Well-Being Thermometer or the DOM Health and Wellness Program, please contact Jennifer Mosher at or Dr. Carolina Salvador at