Associate Professors and Professors

Approvals of promotions of Associate Professor and Professor on the Clinician and Investigator Tracks occur at the monthly Division Chiefs meeting.

The following is a list of the required supporting documents your Division Chief and their Admins will submit to the Chair to be distributed to committees reviewing faculty for promotion.

Letter from the Division Chief and Department Chair

Letters of support
Should be a combination of external and internal sources. These are requested by your Division Chief.

  • Assistant Professor: Minimum of three (3) letters (internal or external sources)
  • Associate Professor and Professor (Investigator Track): Seven (7) letters, at least five (5) of which must be external
  • Associate Professor and Professor (Clinician or Research Track): Five (5) letters (internal or external)

Letter writers cannot be in conflict.

Curriculum vitae
Current, Department of Medicine format. View CV resources »

Reprints representing the candidate’s best work
Must be included with all requests for appointment/promotion (except for instructor appointments):

  • Three (3) reprints should be submitted for Assistant Professor. Five (5) key publications, maximum of six (6) (optional for Clinician Track) should be submitted for Associate Professors and Professor.
  • Please note: Send only the first page of the reprint which shows the abstract rather than the entire article. Please be sure the entire reference is listed on the front sheet. If the journal reference is not printed on the first page, please type the complete reference in the upper right-hand corner.