Teaching Scholars Program – Call for Applications – Deadline March 13, 2020
The Teaching Scholars Program is now accepting applications for the cohort that will begin the program in September 2020. The Teaching Scholars Program is a 12-month certificate program intended for faculty who desire to become future leaders in health professions education. The program provides enhancement of knowledge and skills, with a focus on core components […]
NIH Mock Study Section – Letters of Intent due February 21, 2020
NIH Mock Study Section The Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS), Research Development Program will host their Winter NIH Mock Study Section on Friday, April 3rd from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the Center for Advanced Medicine (CAM), Farrell Conference Room 2. The NIH Mock Study Section is designed to simulate an actual NIH study section. NIH […]
Big Ideas Competition
DOM Insider Volume 2 (Links to an external site)
In this Issue: Letter from the Chair, Divisional Spotlight, Research News, Clinical News, Education News, New Faculty Leadership, Awards/Grants/Honors, DOM Faculty Affairs, Forum for Women in Medicine, Upcoming Events and Symposiums, Epic Update, and Giving
Department of Medicine – Position available for Co-Director, Office of Faculty Development (OFD)
The Department of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a Co-Director for the Office of Faculty Development (OFD) to replace Dr. Mario Castro, who recently retired. The Co-Director will work closely with Dr. Angela Brown, Professor of Medicine and Co-Director of the OFD, the Director of the Office of Inclusion and Diversity, […]
Letters of Intent for Fall NIH Mock Study Section due on 9/30/19
The ICTS hosts NIH Mock Study Sections, designed to simulate an actual NIH study section, through the Research Development Program. These review sessions for clinical and translational R, K, and F series grant applications are held twice annually, in April and December. The purpose of this program is to increase the likelihood of grant funding […]
Capstone Course Directors Needed – Letter of Interest and CV due September 13, 2019
Dear Members of the Education Community, I am writing to let you know that Dr. Gina LaRossa (Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Hospitalist Medicine, Department of Medicine) has decided to step down as director of the 4th-year Capstone Course. We are enormously grateful for the considerable work Gina has put into the course and for […]
Department of Medicine launches inaugural edition of The DOM Insider (Links to an external site)
The DOM Insider is meant to share information about faculty accomplishments and our research, clinical and educational initiatives. Please let us know if you have topics for future newsletters. DOM Insider, Volume 1 (pdf)
KL2 Career Development Awards: Now Accepting Applications for September 3rd Deadline!
The Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences Clinical Research Training Center (CRTC) is currently seeking applications for the KL2 Career Development Award Program, aimed at incoming or current junior faculty interested in clinical and translational research. This program provides financial support and infrastructure allowing scholars protected time to perform research and engage in formal idactic […]
Research Strategic Planning – Faculty Town Hall Meetings
Graduate Programs in Applied Health Behavior Research launches two new foundational data-management short courses this summer
If you have staff or students involved in data collection, a skills-based short course will provide a big-picture understanding of how data is used through analysis and hands-on training on basic data management and coding, using a user-friendly statistical software program. To register for M88-550 Introduction to Using REDCap for Research or M88-551 Introduction to […]
K12 Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology: Call for Applications
The K12 Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology is currently seeking applications, aimed at incoming or current junior faculty interested in clinical oncology research. This program provides financial support and infrastructure allowing scholars protected time to perform research and engage in formal didactic instruction. For questions, please contact crscholars@email.wustl.edu or (314) 454-8224 Click […]
Applications Now Open for 2019 AAMC AAMC Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar – Some support available for early bird registration
Dear WUSM Faculty, The Office of Faculty Affairs and the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is offering to assist WUSM URiM faculty members who wish to attend the 2019 AAMC Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar. We will reimburse the base Early Bird registration fee ($1825.00) for up to two WUSM faculty members. This support […]
Applications Now Open for AAMC Grant Writers Coaching Group for NIH Awards
The AAMC Grant Writers Coaching Group for NIH Awards is designed for racial and ethnic minority faculty who are actively working on a K or R NIH grant proposal, to provide support in improving critical writing skills to strengthen grant proposals and increase diversity in medicine. This program is comprised of four primary activities: orientation […]
Academy of Educators Call for Applications
The Office of Education is excited to present the announcement below for your review regarding the Academy of Educators. Please share this information with anyone within the WUSM community who you believe may be interested in this opportunity. Academy of Educators – NEW The School of Medicine is proud to announce the official launch of […]
2019 DOM Leadership Training Course – Call for Applications
Applications for the 2019 Leadership training course will be accepted from April 1 – June 3, 2019. The course consists of four sessions held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will be September 13, September 27, October 11, and October 25. The sessions will be held at the BJC Institute for Learning and Development […]
Office of Education hosts Dr. Kirsten Broadfoot – RSVP to attend workshop sessions on April 1-2, 2019
Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists (DDFRCS) – Call for Applications – Due April 1st (Links to an external site)
The Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists Program (DDFRCS) was developed to provide innovative institutional solutions to reduce faculty attrition by assisting junior faculty facing extraprofessional demands.
Teaching Scholars Program – Call for applications
The School of Medicine is pleased to announce a professional learning opportunity available to all faculty in Washington University School of Medicine’s educational programs. The Teaching Scholars Program is now accepting applications for the cohort that will begin the program in September 2019. The Teaching Scholars program is a 12-month certificate program intended for faculty […]
Save the Date: AAMC Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar, June 27-30, 2019
AAMC Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar June 27 – 30, 2019 Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead Atlanta, GA This seminar is designed for early-career faculty who are members of underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups. Attendees will be equipped with innovative leadership tools and a variety of mentoring and networking opportunities. Details about the 2019 […]
Application Phase Now Open: July 2019 Early Career Women Faculty Leadership Development Seminar
2019 Early Career Women Faculty Leadership Development SeminarJuly 27-30, 2019Ritz-Carlton St. LouisSt. Louis, Missouri The Early Career Women Faculty Leadership Development Seminar is an engaging and comprehensive program designed for women physicians and scientists holding medical school faculty appointments at the assistant professor level*, with at least one year experience in their faculty role (e.g. […]
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI) – Spring Application Cycle now open (Links to an external site)
The Clinical Research Training Center (CRTC) Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI) provides multidisciplinary clinical and translational research training to promote the career development of junior faculty and postdoctoral fellows by helping them become clinical and translational researchers. Through didactic coursework, structured mentorship, and interactions with a diverse peer group of trainees, the Postdoctoral […]
K12 Mentored Training in Implementation Science Program – Request for Applications!
The K12 Mentored Training in Implementation Science (MTIS) Program is accepting applications for 2019! MTIS prepares scholars to become independent, productive Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) researchers focused on Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep (HLBS) disorders. This K12 program provides personalized educational pathways that allow scholars to identify competencies needed to address their specific goals and […]
Sadler honored by American Society of Hematology, colleagues (Links to an external site)
Sadler honored by American Society of Hematology, colleaguesPhysician, scientist, mentor honored for dedication to field, others Renowned hematologist J. Evan Sadler, MD, PhD, has been awarded the 2018 Exemplary Service Award from the American Society of Hematology (ASH). Full story
Damon Runyon Physician-Scientist Training Award Application Deadline: Monday, December 3, 2018
Damon Runyon Physician-Scientist Training Award Application Deadline: Monday, December 3, 2018 Physician-scientists who are both clinically trained and expert researchers are essential to the successful translation of scientific discovery into more effective patient therapies. They have the unique capacity to blend their insights from treating patients and working in the laboratory in a way that […]