
NIH Mock Study Section – Letters of Intent due February 21, 2020

NIH Mock Study Section

The Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS), Research Development Program will host their Winter NIH Mock Study Section on Friday, April 3rd from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. in the Center for Advanced Medicine (CAM), Farrell Conference Room 2. The NIH Mock Study Section is designed to simulate an actual NIH study section. NIH clinical and translational R, K, and F series grant applications submitted to the Mock Study Section will be reviewed, critiqued, and scored by three faculty members as well as other study section members. The feedback will be distributed to applicants prior to the NIH grant deadline.

All investigators preparing a NIH grant application for the R, K, and F series are encouraged to submit their clinical or translational proposals for this internal review.

Observers are also encouraged to attend to get a better understanding of the review process.

Faculty with NIH study section experience, we need your help! Please let us know if you are willing to participate and your areas of expertise. If interested, email

Letters of Intent are due Monday, February 21, by 5:00 p.m. CST. For more information, visit the ICTS website​ or contact

NIH Mock Study Section Facilitators:
Dr. Thomas Baranski
Associate Professor of Medicine
Director, Office of Training Grants

Dr. Stephanie Fritz​

Associate Professor of Pediatrics​
Pediatrics Infectious Disease