2018 Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Clinical Scientists Development Award Competition Now Open

Doris Duke Fund graphic

The 2018  Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) Clinical Scientist Development Award Competition is now open! Pre-proposal applications are being sought from physician scientists at the assistant professor level conducting clinical research in any disease area. Application Deadlines: Pre-proposals due: December 1, 2017, 3pm EST Invitation to submit full proposal: January 19, 2018, 5pm EST Full […]

Postdoctoral Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation – Call for Applications

The Clinical Research Training Center (CRTC) Postdoctoral Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI) provides multidisciplinary clinical and translational research training to promote the career development of junior faculty and postdoctoral fellows by helping them become clinical and translational researchers. Through didactic coursework, structured mentorship, and interactions with a diverse peer group of trainees, the […]

Now Enrolling: 2018 Academic Medical Leadership Program for Physicians and Scientists

This program is a collaborative effort of the School of Medicine, the Olin School of Business and BJC HealthCare with the primary objective of equipping physicians and scientists to take on expanding roles in academic medicine and health care delivery.  The course will begin January 19, 2018 and continue over the ensuing 6 months for a […]

Seminar with Dr. Susan Johnson – Thriving amidst chaos: time management strategies for navigating academic medicine

Can ’t see the top of your desk? Email out of control? Join us as guest speaker Dr. Susan Johnson presents proven time management principles to increase individual productivity. Co-Sponsored by the Clinicial Research Training Center and the DOM Office of Faculty Development.Tuesday, August 29, 2017 from 3:30 to 5:00pm in Wohl Auditorium Susan R. […]

EPIC Update for Providers – July 2017, Part 2

This monthly brief promotes awareness among clinicians of the progress and specific features of our Epic implementation. EPIC Update – July 2017, Part 2 (pdf)

K12 Paul Calabresi Career Development Awards Program in Clinical Oncology: Request for Applications

KL2 Paul Calabresi Career Development Awards graphic

The K12 Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology is currently seeking applications, aimed at incoming or current junior faculty interested in clinical oncology research.  This program provides financial support and infrastructure allowing scholars protected time to perform research and engage in formal didactic instruction. K12 Flyer (pdf) Additional information and Applications 

Registration now open for 2017 AAMC Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar

2017 AAMC Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar September 7-10, 2017 Hyatt Regency Orlando Ornlando, Florida For those who aspire to leadership positions in academic medicine, it is time to join your junior faculty and post-doctorates fellows in a three day, multi-cultural career development seminar, on September 7-10 in Florida. Information and Registration

AAMC Grant Writers Coaching Group – Apply by June 21, 2017

In order to support racial and ethnic minority faculty through the process of grant writing, the AAMC is offering an opportunity to master the details of preparing a successful K or R NIH grant proposal. Apply by June 21, 2017. Workshop Information

AAMC Grant Writers Coaching Group – Apply by June 21, 2017

In order to support racial and ethnic minority faculty through the process of grant writing, the AAMC is offering an opportunity to master the details of preparing a successful K or R NIH grant proposal. Apply by June 21, 2017. Workshop Information