Physician’s call to action: Compassionate medicine (Links to an external site)

Barbara Lutey, MD, an assistant professor in the Division of Medical Education at Washington University School of Medicine, examines patient Marie Nesbitt at the Center for Outpatient Health. Nesbitt suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and credits Lutey with saving her life.

A nearly empty refrigerator taught Barbara Lutey, MD, one of her most important lessons in medicine. Nearly two decades have passed, but the image of the desperate older woman whose refrigerator only contained walnuts, bacon and a half bottle of soda continues to sear. At the time, Lutey was an intern in her internal medicine residency, […]

8th annual PCOR symposium: Call for abstracts

The 8th Annual PCOR Symposium at Washington University will take place on April 25, 2018 in the Eric P. Newman Center.  The deadline for abstract submission is February 2, 2018. PCOR Symposium Flyer (pdf)

Call for Applications: Mentored Training in Implementation Science – New K12 focused on Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Disorders

K12 MTIS graphic

The Mentored Training In Implementation Science (MTIS) Program is open to all senior fellows and junior faculty interested in implementation science in areas relevant to the NHLBI. MTIS provides 75% protected time, up to $100k/yr, for 2-3 yrs. MTIS will fund 3 new scholars starting next fall (2018). Applications are encouraged from Washington University School […]

Registration open for iTeach Faculty Symposium on Teaching

Tuesday, January 9, 2018The Knight Center, Washington University iTeach Symposium Information and Registration The 2018 iTeach symposium will open with a welcome by Provost Holden Thorp and a plenary by Mary Murphy, PhD entitled Barriers and Breakthroughs: Social-Psychological Interventions to Support Student Success. Dr. Murphy is Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences and the Associate […]

NIH FOA: Simulation Modeling and Systems Science to Address Health Disparities (R01)

NIMHD is leading a collaborative research effort at the National Institutes of Health with several NIH Institutes and Centers to fund highly innovative and promising research that develops and evaluates simulation modeling and systems science to understand and address minority health and health disparities. Potential topic areas could include but are not limited to: Models […]

Now Enrolling for Two Career Development Opportunties: Academic Medical Leadership Program for Physicians and Scientists AND Effective Research Execution

2018 Academic Medical Leadership Program for Physicians and Scientists The previous programs have been very well received by faculty participants and their sponsors; testimonials are included in the new program brochure.  This program is a collaborative effort of the School of Medicine, the Olin School of Business and BJC HealthCare with the primary objective of […]